A message from twiends
Hi ESharpener, we get quite a few questions about VIP options on twiends, so we wanted to tell you about this useful resource.
In order to make all our VIP features more transparent we've put together a special VIP page that explains everything. It also serves as a single place where VIP's can manage their VIP features. Here are some things you'll see on the VIP page:
– Free introductions, and their status
– Free seeds back, with an option to allocate them straight away
– Featured user slots, with the ability to add more slots
– Subscriptions, with the ability to add or remove them, and the status of the subscription daily bonuses
– Priority support, with a link to your current support tickets
– Recent orders, so that you can check the status of recent payments.
We'll continue to add VIP features to twiends to help make it the best Twitter promotion service on the web. If you're not already a VIP why not try it out? All initial purchases are covered by a full money-back guarantee, so you can opt out at any point.
Twiends is a service by Webcandy Limited - Tithe Barn, Parfitts Farm, Eversley, Hampshire, RG270NR, UK
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