Rabu, 24 Februari 2016

Setiawan Aguzz, what’s happening in the world?

The best videos of the week are too good for you to miss.
The best videos of the week are too good for you to miss.
  Pop Crave   @PopCrave
Rap singer, Skate Maloley, was physically assaulted after he tried stopping security from beating his fans.
  Michele Adele   @MicheleAdele8
"Yes baby! "Can I please kiss him, pleeeeeaaasse" #ideacredstome
  夏の5秒   @5SOS
2nd got confused about the new Pokemon who apparently exist now #5sosinjapan xx
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Kamis, 18 Februari 2016

Setiawan Aguzz, what’s happening in the world?

The best videos of the week are too good for you to miss.
The best videos of the week are too good for you to miss.
  Sae   @Saeya8
Threw our teacher a surprise party. He doesn't remember the last time he has a bday cake 🎈😊🎉🎁
  Maximilien London   @maxlondon1997
  Sam Kalidi   @samkalidi
Badass Crab.
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