Jumat, 10 Agustus 2012

♘unicorn x, Fari Hamzei, and 9 others have Tweets for you

Setiawan Aguzz,
Here's what's happening on Twitter
  Setiawan Aguzz

U.S. Postal Service loses $5.2 billion, warns of low cash
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Postal Service's net loss widened to $5.2 billion during the three months that ended in June, and the cash-strapped agency warned on Thursday that without help from the

Wah, Pelaut Indonesia Disandera Perompak Nigeria
Internasional | Kamis, 9 Agustus 2012 21:53 WIB Metrotvnews.com, Jakarta: Pelaut Indonesia bersama tiga pelaut dari Malaysia, Thailand, dan Iran, sejak Sabtu (4/8) disandera oleh perompak bersenjata Nigeria. Presiden…

Cloud-based Password Manager my1login Wants To Gamify More Secure Passwords
Legendary phone phreaker (and friend of Woz), Captain Crunch, once told me that you can't have convenience and security. The more convenient something is, the less secure it tends to be. And it's…
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Basil C. Puglisi

Syria rebels lose key Aleppo area
Syria rebel commanders say they have lost control of the strategic Salah al-Din district in the northern city of Aleppo, as Iran hosts a summit on the crisis.
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Stella Pollard

Anas: Kader PD Tak Sekorup Partai Lain
Ketua Umum Partai Demokrat (PD), Anas Urbaningrum menyebut kader PD tak sekorup partai lain. Anas menyatakan kader PD yang tersandung kasus korupsi, jauh lebih sedikit dari kader partai lain.
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Berita Dan Informasi


Damn Its TRUE! @damnitstrue 07 Aug
I text you becuase I want to have a conversation with you, not to be pissed off & get my day ruined.
Retweeted by ♘unicorn x, Lorrial Del Rey and 2269 others
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♥ Heart of Stone @iBiteBottomLips 09 Aug
no racist shit, this is deep. pic.twitter.com/3JgkwXOs"
Retweeted by Lorrial Del Rey and 1000 others
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Life Facts @MyLyfQuotes 08 Aug
Sometimes you have to put a fake smile on and pretend like it never happened. It's not called giving up, it's called growing up.
Retweeted by Jefferson Cauzon. † and 1387 others
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metha andira mulyadi @ethathametha 08 Aug
kata2 yang nempel banget pas habis baca buku @pepatah , 'sakit hati hanya bisa diobati oleh jatuh hati' .
Retweeted by Denny Ch Pratama and 105 others
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♥Abiigaiil'Aviila♬♥ @Avila_aby 09 Aug
"@jorgerdelagala: Fiesta sin globito no es fiesta!"// Sin globito no hay fiesta! & fiesta sin globito, fiesta dentro de 9 meses! :D jaja (:
Retweeted by Jorge R. de la Gala and 1 others
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